Spring continuing cold, wet and grey.
Fragrant blossom and thickening foliage.
A Goldcrest pair feeds in the garden. Small birds such as these are seen less often later in the month.
The French Lavender flowers, the English only by the end of the month. Bumblebees from the nest by the shed are frequent visitors.
Thunder, lightning and gusts for many days mid-month.
Cherry seedlings potted up, a pair of beechnuts sprout, and many things planted into the garden.
First week of May and Nightingales sing strongly from thickets. Many warblers accompany, but less and less sing by the end of the month as breeding/territories are established.
The Cuckoo calls often at certain sites, but is only heard once from the garden.
One maybug in the garden. Starlings busy feeding screeching fledglings, later in the month blackbird fledglings fill the garden, some fed by parent birds but most independent. Ladybird larvae observed.
Some fine spells amidst gloomy grey days, but a cold North/North-Easterly wind persists.
Dragonflies and damselflies seen in garden and about, but very few butterflies.
26th May
The first of my roses to bloom is the fragrant 'Gertrude Jekyll', closely followed by the reliable climbing rose and abundant shrub 'Blue for you'. All the other roses keep their buds tight. Aphids kept away by busy Blue Tits, but cherry trees suffering with blackfly this year.
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