Friday, June 30, 2023

June 2023: Quick roundup

 June 2023 Quick Roundup

Miserable unseasonable cold to start, but with warm relief by mid-month.

Ill-health this month limits time outdoors. Missing nature, fresh air. The season turns to quieter summer. Swallowtails on the wing (but not seen yet), and cuckoos migrating away homeward.

Very few butterflies, but buzz of bees is a constant sound throughout the month.

Garden bumblebee nest quieter by end of month, as are the blackbirds and starlings now with all their young fledged. 

Green growth in abundance. Strawberries and samphire seasonal delights.

House martins, swallows and swifts lacking.

Rarity to hear or see song thrush, no longer a garden visitor.

A magpie with a limp is a regular visitor this month


Wood pigeon pair try again with nesting in the wisteria.



Shelducks, sand martins and avocets at Cley



A summer view from the dashboard


Pines, Holkham

Red-backed shrike, seen through gap in brambles

Fragrant and beautiful honeysuckle

Bright, with cold winds but humid.

More orchids seen.

Scallop tartare starter

Bright but breezy at the broads.

First Pimm's of summer

Wood pigeon washing, garden

A view from the coast road

Blickling lake


Bright rose blooms on a dull day, garden


Blackbird fledgling, garden


Collared doves, garden


Froglet crossing.

Strawberry seasonal dessert.

Cranes, original oil painting

Long summer evenings.

Robin fledgling, garden

Bee on musk mallow, garden

My sounds of June


Fledglings begging (blackbird, blue & great tits mostly)

Linnet, goldfinch, chaffinch, greenfinch

Swift, swallow and house martin heard infrequently

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