Saturday, February 11, 2023

Signs of spring to come

I love looking for the new wildflowers that come up in succession after snowdrops.

Winter aconite is a bright cheery yellow ahead of the narcissi/daffodils that are now just shoots. Their leaves are like Elizabethan ruffs. Spotted on February 3rd, these are still filling out:

I noted crocuses on the first of February. More have appeared across the grass, and open their flowers for a few hours when there's enough sun. On a morning of thin sunshine, a bumblebee on Feb 11th found their petals closed.


A skylark has been singing in recent days, and a chaffinch after a hesitant start. Tiny green buds have appeared on my small hawthorns. There's some green to the dark-brown buds on my small birches, cherries and elders. The rose bushes have many red buds, one rose is already unfurling tiny leaves. It seems a long time since the trees have been in leaf; I'm looking forward to seeing them again.

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