Saturday, February 4, 2023

Short-eared owl 3rd Feb 2022

A winter afternoon at Rockland broad on the lower Yare valley, Norfolk. A barn owl quartering the marshes, and a winter migrant too: a short-eared owl.

The sun peeped yellow from between thick cloud cover, highlighting reeds and birds: a heron flew over, four mute swans with a woompf of wings and then a barn owl flew bright and distinct over the marshes.

 Barn owl low over the reeds, with four mute swans flying higher above.

Far across the marshes, something else was quartering. Greylag geese and shelducks were settled, but above them flew a short-eared owl. A darker face and body than the barn owl, with long pale wings and a flightpath sometimes high above the reeds:


Short-eared owl and barn owl come together in one frame over the reeds.


 The short-eared owl afforded close views as it flew over the reeds, lit by the setting sun against the dark trees. It often glided, sometimes flew up high compared to the barn owl that was also hunting these marshes. 

Short-eared owls are a winter migrant to southern England.
Sun setting over the reeds. Gulls flew over often, a small flock of lapwing, a skein of canada geese. A chinese water deer was seen, a mute swan pair and then a solitary bird flew over.

 Herring gulls circled, at one time a large flock swirled above the broad.

A cetti's warbler called from the reeds, whilst a marsh harrier glided over low. It became breezier as the sun set. 

Owls hunting of an afternoon over reeds, marsh and field: a winter vision.

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