Monday, September 9, 2024

July 2024: Quick Roundup

 July Quick Roundup

Snapshots from a busy month.


Roses, garden


The roses have suffered with the cool, damp conditions this year but there were some flourishes when conditions allowed, with July being not quite as wet as previous months.


A tatty, hard-working Blackbird male was a regular visitor on feeding forays early in the month.



Waiting to go at Norwich station


Onward to greyer skies


A wet start to the month belied just how much sunshine and warmth that could be later enjoyed. Summer evenings as well as days were fully taken advantage of out-of-doors.

 With much of my time spent in the company of cranes, I worked towards a project for 2025.


Common Cranes, Swift


Six-spot Burnet moth


On a mission

Comma Butterfly

Interesting coat

Come along little moos

Cut meadow

Swans with cygnets at Blickling

There were swans with cygnets on Blickling lake for the first time since 2020 (when unfortunately that year all 3 cygnets were lost, presumably predated). The pair this year had five cygnets.

Juvenile Pied Wagtails

Hybrid Hooded Crow

Fish in shallow water

Grey Heron

Peacock butterfly on Hemp-agrimony

Sunset and fishermen at the coast


Following the churr of the Nightjar

Under the light of the moon

At the vineyard

At the vineyard

The Ancient House

A friendship made with a Peahen in a kitchen garden

Skate wing and samphire

Twilight over the North Sea


Plum trees

Plum season and so the first of many trips to the local orchard began mid-month.

Green and yellow hues were prevalent in the garden where, by the 25th, it had become quieter bird-wise as expected on the approach to August.


Great White Egret


Two bugling Cranes with a juvenile



Red Admiral nectaring on Hemp-agrimony

Roses, garden

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September 2024 Quick Roundup

September Quick Roundup           Mallards' retreat                 Cromer         View from the Theatre Royal, Norwich                 ...