Thursday, September 12, 2024

August 2024: Quick Roundup

August 2024: Quick Roundup

Snapshots from a busy month.


Sunny, humid and often bright: summer in abundance this month, but with some telling signs of a season on the wane.



Trimming/harvesting lavender, garden



A bright and often warm month with many evenings spent by river, broad or sea.



Swan and cygnets at the far bank, river Yare


Warham fort

Red clover


Eyeing up the elderberries, garden.



Sunset pink on the birch



Tomatoes ripened at the start of the month and proliferated throughout it: a bumper crop.


Tomatoes and basil from the garden


In-season local cherries were baked in a cake, an enjoyable summer treat.

My own cherry trees are immature: will they bear blossom (and perhaps fruit) next year?


Homemade cherry and pistachio cake










Grasshoppers stridulated from the front garden; crickets chirruped from the back. 

A 'Gertrude Jekyll' scented bed for this cricket


Mystery fruit tree

I located a mystery fruit tree which might or might not relate to something half-remembered from childhood. This gnarled little tree was suffering in the heat; I returned with secateurs and took some cuttings.





Lunch among the nettles


Between the wildflowers

Field Scabious, Knapweed

Mid-month, smoke from wildfires in North America drifted across, high in the atmosphere, causing some dramatic visions of the sun and moon when rising and setting.

A orange waxing half-moon

Green Woodpecker juveniles

Waders continued to trickle through and passed overhead from their breeding grounds.

Geese convened their flocks.

Green Sandpipers

Greylag Geese

Canada Geese

Cherry plums for the foraging


Small, sweet and juicy: cherry plums were foraged from hedgerows, whilst named varieties continued to be bought from the local plum orchard.

'Discovery' apples ripened mid-month, enjoyed fresh or grated into birchers.

'Discovery' apples


The third of four full moons of this summer: a blue moon.

Almost full 'blue' moon

Fly-by Spoonbill

Cattle in the reeds

Mixture of clouds at sunset

A named storm pressed overhead towards the end of month, and lingered all day until evening.



Storm clouds




Great White Egrets





Chinese Water Deer






Great White Egrets preening




Great White Egrets




Great White Egret


Bowed reeds





Greylag geese at sunset






Three Spoonbills (Little Egret flying)



Spoonbills, sun-fall.


Crows after sundown.

On the 25th, a sense of transition was felt, reflecting the changing seasons.

British white cattle

Pheasants at sunrise

Spoonbills, Little and Great White Egrets and geese (Greylag, Canada, Egpytian) were most present on many of my walks. Cranes were seen, distantly this month.

5 Spoonbills feeding on the marsh

Sweep sweep sweep Spoonies

Marsh Harrier




Mirrored: Chinese Water Deer



Cygnet called home to the reeds


Egyptian geese


More numerous Egyptian Geese and particularly Canada geese noticed in few years.

Two Swifts were seen close by a flock of House Martin, a pleasant surprise so late in their season.


Waning half moon, fly-by House Martin

I scouted for Hazel nuts, but very few were found on trees or the ground below them!

Old Hazel tree


Amongst this year's lambs feeding on the grasses, one small lamb still nursed.

At Blickling, only 4 of the 5 Cygnets seen last month were sighted.

Calling -- Green Sandpipers

Feeding in gentle blues and pinks.

Looking east over the treetops

Looking north over the water

Looking west over the water


Starling juveniles

Settling down

Last meal (plus baguette) of August 2024.

The tomatoes continued ripening in abundance and so it was right to finish the month with a simple seasonal treat from an appreciably-sunny month.

September 2024 Quick Roundup

September Quick Roundup           Mallards' retreat                 Cromer         View from the Theatre Royal, Norwich                 ...